Jan 21st 2018 O.A.

Asian American Expo

The Asian American Expo was held on January 13th and 14th at Pomona. This is an annual event that takes place every New Year for the Asian
community and this year marks the 37th time. It originally started celebrating the Chinese New Year for the local communities, and it expanded throughout the year. The event has now grown into a huge one, where Asian countries all over the world participate and overa 100 thousands attend. More than 1000 companies domestically and globally participated, exhibiting various goods from: food, cosmetics, electronics to anime.
From Japan, companies like: Kikkoman, Calpico, Toyota participated and introduced their newest products. Having many Asian customers including Japanese, Pechanga Resort & Casino announced their February raffle celebrating the Chinese New Year; as well as promoting their new facility that will be finished by early March, an investment of $285 million for the company. Food stands from all over the world were served outside the venue; and performances like the lion dance, martial arts and fashion show entertained the attendees on stage.

Coming of Age Ceremony

The Coming of Age Ceremony happened on Sunday, January 14th at Torrance. This event is held by the Japanese Culture and Traditions Assoc./ L.A.
Nadeshiko Organization, and people who are in their 20s or are becoming 20 years old within the year participated. In Japan, 20 years old is the coming of age and the entire country celebrates in the month of January. Here in LA, NPO organization, Nadeshiko Organization started the coming of age ceremony 5 years ago to spread the Japanese kimono culture. 24 men and women participated this year. Men wore haori and hakama, as women gorgeously dressed in furisode kimonos. At the ceremony, each participants stated their goals in front of their family and guests. And Consul General, Chiba congratulated them. Japanese taiko, traditional dances and calligraphy performances were done to celebrate the coming of age. The ceremony ended by guests congratulating each and every one of the participants.

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