November 22nd 2020 O.A.

753 Children”s Celebration

Sunday, November 15th was The Prayers of Celebration for 3, 5 and 7 Years Girls and Boys at Zenshuji Soto Mission in Little Tokyo.

This event celebrates children that turned 3, 5, or 7 years old.
Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus this year, it was held outdoors with an appropriate social distance between each family.

About 30 families participated.
The service was divided between AM and PM with restrictions of participating people.

Reverend Kojima called each child’s name and wished for their well-being.
Then, the kids were given a charm and Chitose candy for their longevity.

Lastly, the family took a picture in the main hall.
It was a great day for the kids as they dressed in kimonos and their family celebrated their milestone.

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