October 25th 2020 O.A.

OCJAA Senior Citizen Appreciation Day

On Sunday, October 18th, Senior Citizen Appreciation Day was held online to celebrate seniors who are over 80 years old.

OCJAA holds this event for the 34th year to celebrate the people who built and contributed to the community.

Normally, more than 300 elderly citizens are invited to a luncheon.
However, the event was live-streamed at Yamaha Music Center in Irvine using Zoom this year due to the novel coronavirus.

The contents were mainly videos that were prerecorded.
Representatives from Japanese organizations and Consul General Muto stated their greetings.
Dances of individuals and organizations were introduced as entertainment.

Followed by the main event, the award ceremony.
12 individuals were awarded this year.

Then, 3 people were announced and awarded the Freshman Scholarship and 1 person for the Nerio Cultural Scholarship.

Lastly, a lottery was held live for the Zoom viewers.
150 people participated from all over the world including Japan and Hawaii and socialized.

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