June 14th 2020 O.A.

Dine-Ins Allowed

The Stay-At-Home measures for preventing the spread of the novel Coronavirus has loosened, and retailers are opening their doors once again.

However, the demonstration seeking justice for the death of Minneapolis citizen, George Floyd turned into a riot ending up some businesses to stay

Some rioters looted shoes store and pharmacies of Little Tokyo since the city hall and LAPD is nearby.

Although the riot has calmed down, businesses still stay alert by exchanging information with one another and working with the LAPD.
The “ko-ban” police box managed by the Little Tokyo Public Safety Association is also providing information to the community.

It was right when the restaurants were allowed to provide dine-in services.
Despite the circumstance, they are allowed to provide dine-in services once again as long as they follow the protocols set by the City of LA.

Businesses hope customers will return and continue to provide quality service as much as possible while abiding by the city protocols.

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