May 26th 2019 O.A.

Women of the Year 2019

An awarding ceremony for Woman of the Year happened on Sunday, May 5th at Quiet Cannon in Montebello.

This ceremony is held annually by the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) and the Japa- nese Women’s Society of SoCal commemorating women who contributed to the Japanese Ameri- can community.

This year marks the 57th year and 5 individuals were awarded.

San Fernando Valley Japanese American Community Center Meiji Club president, Elizabeth Doomey.

Margaret Shimada who works as a social workerat Little Tokyo Service Center.

Norie Morita from JA Pioneer Center, teaching Etegami (drawing letter) and Senryu (Japanese poetry similar to haiku).

Linda Aratani, daughter of George Aratani and currently managing the Aratani Foundation which thrives to support the Japanese American culture and education.

And Joan Sumiko Kaneshiro Oshiro active in passing down Okinawan culture as a member of Okinawa Association of America (OAA).

470 people including family and friends attended and congratulated their accomplishment.

“Eco Town” Grand Opening

Second hand shop “Eco Town” opened in Fountain Valley on Friday, May 17th.
Parent company, Hard Corporation operates 900 business including second hand shops throughout Japan. They have 2 stores in Ha- waii and this is their first location in contigu- ous US.

From furniture, clothing, anime goods to brand products, used items are sold after they are fixed and cleaned.

Many local customers came in as the doors opened and bought items they liked.

President, Yoshimasa Yamamoto came to the grand opening ceremony and received a letter of appreciation from the city and government.

Eco Town is planning on opening new doors to 10 more locations in OC and spread busi- ness mainly throughout California.

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