Jan 22nd 2017 O.A.

2017 JBA New Year Reception

A New Year’s celebration was held by the Japan Business Association (JBA) in Torrance and local Japanese business representatives exchanged their New Year’s greetings. JBA is a nonprofit corporation having 500 companies as their members, developing and improving the business environment for Japanese companies in SoCal. About 500 members exchanged their business cards with their New Year’s greetings. Consul General Chiba stated "Since government change is taking place in the US, it is important for each and every one of us to actively voice that the profits made from Japanese companies in the states are contributions from Japan to this country." President Okawa stated “We will continue to support Japanese companies in SoCal and cherish the bond we have between the Japanese American community. But also, we’d like to make 2017 a year where we can challenge on new matters as well.” A video message from celebrities related to LA was played and the New Years was celebrated by playing the annual door prize games and eating the traditional Japanese New Year’s food, Osechi.

Coming of Age Ceremony 2017

The Japanese coming of age ceremony was held on the 15th and LA residents turning 20 years old have attended. The Nadeshiko Association of Japan Arts Council is a volunteer association, whose mission statement is to spread the Japanese tradition to the next generation. The LA style Japanese coming of age ceremony started back in 2013 and this year was the 5th year. A total of 26 male and female have participated in this year’s ceremony and the members of the Nadeshiko Association helped style the kimono from early morning. At the ceremony, participants said their greetings to their family members and the audience. Consul General Chiba congratulated the new adults and performances like traditional Japanese dance and taiko drumming liven up the stage. One of the participants, Naoki Atkins performed the Tsugaru Shamisen and Eri Wong did the speech, representing the participants. Lastly, the audience sent their words of encouragement and celebrated for the new adults.

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