May 19th 2024 O.A.

INC Nikkei Formal 2024

Saturday, April 20th was the Nikkei Formal held by the Southern California Intercollegiate Nikkei Council (INC) at JACCC.

INC is a coalition of collegiate Nikkei Student Unions and associations throughout Southern California Universities.
Their mission is networking Nikkei students with one another and socializing with the local community, and 12 NSUs are currently active.

“Nikkei Formal” is an event held at the end of the academic year.
190 NSU board members from each university attended this year celebrating the end of the school year.

Each university reported their activities at the event.
Then, Jared Nakahara of UCLA and Ashley Omiya of UC San Diego were introduced as the next year’s co-presidents.

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