Apr 9th 2017 O.A.
The Japanese Institute of Sawtelle Career Forum
A career forum was held by the Japanese Institute of Sawtelle at Terasaki
Foundation in West LA on March 25th. Japanese Institute of Sawtelle is an educational institution established in 1925 and has about 160 students from 3 to 18 years old enrolled. Japanese classes are held once a week. This forum was organized by the school teachers for the high school students, thinking about their futures after they graduate the institute. 4 community leaders of the Japanese American community were invited as guest teachers. The 4 leaders had a passionate discussion with the students about “What does it mean to work in a society?” and “How to accomplish your goals” throughout their work experience of being in business, media, engineering and lawyer. Finally, the teachers answered students’ questions. Students were strongly interested in their background of Japanese culture and how that affects in the society. Teachers also spoke “Understanding different cultures will become a strong advantage for students with bicultural backgrounds.”
Kula Sushi Irvine renewal open
The Kula Revolving Sushi Bar in Irvine re-opened with new looks.After 10 years of service, the Irvine store decided to reexamine their equipments and did huge renovations. Mr. Fresh was newly introduced, which protects the revolving sushi from dusts. Slightly lift the dish and the cover will be lifted to take the sushi. Mr. Fresh also has a sensor that can detect sushis that have been out for a while and lost freshness. Those will automatically be disposed from the lane. Each seats have touch screen panels so customers can order without waiting, and the selected orders will arrive to the customer’s table from a separate lane. This system made it possible for customers to order menus like: box menu, desserts and especially noodle menus that are hard to put on the revolving lane. Also, “Bikkura Pon” was introduced where customers can get prizes when they eat 15 plates. This is a popular game in Kula Japan that customers love. More seats are added with the new waiting system in use as well. Kula has monthly fairs featuring different Japanese ingredients. Starting from April 14th is the “All Japan Fair” featuring local specialties from all over Japan.
Public announcement
Event: The 40th Anniversary KOTO CONCERT
Sponsor: AWAYA-KAI
Date: April 15th 2017 (Sat) 2:00pm ~
Address: James R. Armstrong Theatre 3330 Civic Center Dr, Torrance, CA 90503
Email: awayamusic@msn.com
Tel: (310) 329 - 5965
Addmission: General $25 / At the door $30
Event: Fujimatsuri Bazaar
Sponsor: Gardena Buddhist Church
Date: May 6th (Sat) 11:00am~6:00pm
Address: Gardena Buddhist Church 1517 W. 166th St. Gardena, CA 90247
Tel: (310) 327 - 9400
Web: www.gardenabuddhistchurch.org
Addmission: Free