Jan 14th 2018 O.A.


The annual Kotohajime, starting of the New Year happened on Sunday, January 7th at Little Tokyo’s Aratani Theater. This event annually takes place in JACCC and it is the 35th year. This year’s theme was “Hatsuzora First Sky.” Artists and talents from LA all did their best performances. Performing the Majikina Okinawan dance. Kyokkaku Kawamoto performed the biwa music. And the LA Buddhist Association performed their service. Lastly was the LA Archery Club’s rite of purification, where the stage director, Hirokazu Kosaka performed the “First Bow” and it lit the finale by hitting the target. The Shikishi Exhibition also opened at the first floor of JANM inside the Doiaki Gallery. This year is the 20th year for this exhibition, where participants and Admission is free. It is held until February 4th.

Conferment Ceremony

The award ceremony for Kitty Sankey receiving her Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays happened last November 29th at the official residence of the Consul General. Each autumn and spring, the Japanese government announces and awards individual for their achievements toward the country of Japan or society. Sankey is a 3rd generation Japanese American born in Tokyo. While she was a teacher in the LA Unified School District, she has participated actively in the Japanese American community to better the status of Japanese American. Postwar, as a chairman of the JACL LA division, she fought for Japanese American human rights in the US. 2016 , she was chosen as the first female chairman at JCCSC, and was involved in the Japanese Women’s Society of SoCal. 50 people including family members and friends attended the ceremony. Sankey stated “I am proud of myself being able to become the bridge between Japanese and Japanese Americans, based on the knowledge my parents and ancestors passed onto me. Thank you.” In the LA jurisdiction, Thelma Press was also awarded for her active
involvement with the sister city.

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