Local News “SoCal Japan” Public Announcement Request Form If you would like to announce your “Volunteer” or “Non-profit Event” in Japanese American community on JHN, please fill out the form below and send us the information. ※We are not able to guarantee your request due to TV program schedule. 【YOUR INFORMATION】 Your name ※Required Your company or organization name ※Required Your Email ※Required Your telephone number ※Required 【EVENT INFORMATION for Public Announcement】 English Event Title ※Required Japanese Event Title English name of Organizer / Sponsor ※Required Japanese name of Organizer / Sponsor Date ※Required JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec / 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 / 20232024 Event Time Start Time ※Required 123456789101112 : 000510152025303540455055 ampm End Time 123456789101112 : 000510152025303540455055 ampm About Time Venue Name & Address ※Required Venue Name Street City State Zip Reservation Required ※Required NoYes Reservation Deadline Date Admission Fee 【EVENT CONTACTS】 ※This will be published on SoCal Japan and on our website. Contact Name Tel Email Web EVENT DETAILS ※Required ※MAX 200 words 200words left Attached file ※Less than 10MB JPEG or PDF We are not able to guarantee your request due to TV program schedule. If you have read and understand the above, please check below before sending this information. Please check here before sending this information: We appreciate your kind understanding.