Worst to First: A Teen Baseball Miracle
Airing has finished.

A weak highschool baseball team
overcoming a superior team!?
This November, a new baseball tournament begins…!
Starring Ryohei Suzuki, whose has been featured in countless hits.
He plays a man who gave it all for baseball until an injury forced him to retire
during university. His life as an ordinary social studies teacher changes when he
is put in charge of a weak baseball team on the cusp of being dissolved.
Through highschool baseball, this human drama depicts
the problems of modern education, local towns, families
and the various forms of love. Don’t miss it!
Staring: Ryohei Suzuki Haru Kuroki Haruka Igawa Katsuhisa Namase Ken Matsudaira
Kotaro Koizumi Fumiyo Kohinata