Two Homelands
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Japan and America, a family torn by two homelands.
Through teary farewells, they live through a tumultuous period believing in the future.
A story of love that spans 64 years and 3 generations.
“Should I live my life as a Japanese,
or as an American?”
Based on the novel “Two Homelands” by Toyoko Yamasaki

An epic story of grand scale that illustrates the turbulent lives of Japanese immigrants, searching for a country they can call their own despite being flung in a war between their “two homelands”, never giving up and believing in the bond of family and their love.
Shun Oguri
Mikako Tabe
Riisa Naka
Kengo Kora
Tsuyoshi Muro
Elaiza Ikeda
Manami Hashimoto
Nanoka Hara
Toru Nakamura
Tetsushi Tanaka
Tasuku Emoto
Masahiro Koumoto
Lily Franky
Masatoshi Nakamura
Beat Takeshi
Tsurube Shofukutei
Kimiko Yo
Shigeru Izumiya
Yumi Asou
Yutaka Matsushige

Born in America, Nisei Kenji Amoh (Shun Oguri) grew up in Japan, studied at UCLA, and worked as a journalist for Kashu Shinpo, a Japanese-language newspaper in Los Angeles.
In his editorial, he had written “To be an upstanding American citizen, one must make an effort to be a good Japanese,” and had lived his life to uphold that belief.
However, once the Pacific War started, Kenji’s environment takes a drastic change. His family and other Nikkei families are sent to the Manzanar internment camp, forced into a confined life. The Niseis are pressured in choosing which country to be loyal to America or Japan. His younger brother (Mackenyu) volunteers to be part of the 442nd Regiment, while Kenji joins the Military Intelligence Service as a linguist in hopes to end the war early with information warfare.
Meanwhile, his other younger brother (Kengo Kora) who had been studying in Japan when the war broke out is drafted in the Japanese military and sent to the Philippines.
Kenji himself is also sent there as the leader of the linguist soldiers…
What is the fate of Kenji, forced in-between his two homelands—Japan and America!?