Doctor-X (2021)
Airing has finished.

“I never fail.”
A once in a century pandemic! Unique, aloof and defiant. The genius surgeon, Michiko Daimon (Ryoko Yonekura) throws herself into a new battle!
The 7th series’ will be set in Totei University Hospital, Japan’s top university hospital, as it faces a once in a century pandemic that is ravaging the medical frontlines.
Michiko returns to the hospital swirling with the danger of infection and power struggle, but she doesn’t balk at the exhausted medical frontlines and focuses solely on saving every life that comes in front of her.
However, Hachisuka (Mansai Nomura), head of internal medicine, fresh with obtaining power stands in her path…
Cast: Ryoko Yonekura, Mansai Nomura, Yuki Uchida, Masanobu Katsumura, Mio Imada, Kazutoyo Koyabu, Kaoru Sugita, Ittoku Kishibe, Kenichi Endo, Toshiyuki Nishida, and others