Episode 3

Amagi (Kazunari Ninomiya) names the new hospital being built in Sakuramiya City as “Cersier Heart Center.” However, after being scolded by Saeki (Seiyō Uchino) that they first need to explain to the local officials, he decides that he will announce his appointment as the center director and hospital name at a public surgery.

Toshiko (Hanae Shoji) a welfare patient with angina and dementia is transferred to the hospital. Resident Min-jae becomes her doctor and is harassed by Toshiko’s son, Takatoshi (Danshun Tachikawa) who is excessively demanding.

Min-jae’s supervisor, Sera (Ryoma Takeuchi) looks at Toshiko’s results and concludes she needs Amagi’s advanced techniques. He brings up her case to Amagi but is swiftly rejected.

Afterwards, Amagi arranges for Mizuno (Tomio Umezawa), the director of the corporate association that organizes the investment for the new hospital, to undergo a direct anastomosis surgery. It turns out that Mizuno was sent in by Saeki’s rival, Sugai (Yasunori Danta), a professor at the Ishin University. Amagi instead asks Chairman Shingyoji (Koji Ishizaka) of Sakuramiya City Medical Association to introduce a patient for the public surgery…

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