Episode 2

Amagi (Kazunari Ninomiya) arrives to Japan after being nominated to lead the new hospital being built by Saeki Seiyō Uchino. He quickly makes enemies with his outrageous new hospital concept and even boasts that he’ll make his Japan debut with a public surgery. Amagi is the only surgeon in the world that can perform direct anastomosis, an evolution of the coronary artery bypass grafting.

Meanwhile, Sera’s (Ryoma Takeuchi) patient, Shigeno (Naoya Makoto), is a pâtissier unable to afford a mitral valve replacement. His daughter Asami (Tomu Ranju) tries to raise funds by selling the recipe and merchandising rights of the popular apple pie that Shigeno developed. However, Shigeno and his granddaughter Yui (Reika Horikoshi) vehemently opposes. They also find out that to save Shigeno, he will have to undergo Amagi’s highly expensive direct anastomosis. Amagi offers a bet to Yui that will save her grandfather if she wins…

Takashina (Kotaro Koizumi) has been aiming to be the head of the new hospital secretly. Sugai (Yasunori Danta) who is fighting against Saeki to be the president of the Japan Medical Association makes a proposal to Takashina…

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